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Structured Water erases water's "memory"and makes it healthy and vital again!

Lee Gross

A fantastic hypothesis was put forward. A hypothesis that could explain water's unpredictable behavior. Water has memory! Experiments done in many countries around the world have shown that water receives and makes an imprint

of any outside influence, remembering everything that occurs in the space that surrounds it. As it records information water acquires new properties, yet its chemical composition

remains unchanged.

"The structure of water is much more important than the chemical composition."

The structure of water means how its molecules are organized. We can see how water molecules join together into groups. These are called "clusters". Scientists came up with the

idea that these clusters work as memory cells of a certain sort, in which water records the whole history of its relationship with the world as if on magnetic tape.

"People don't think turn on the light the water is changing. When you turn on the electric field from the power lines the water may change. So that is the direction of research."

The water of course remains water but its structure like a nervous system reacts to any irritation. Modern instruments have made it possible to record the fact that within each of water's memory cells there are 440,000 information panels, each of which is responsible for its own type of interaction with the environment.

"If you consider a cluster as a group of specific molecules then it can survive only a short amount of time. But if you consider it as a structure whereby molecules can leave and other molecules come in, the cluster can last effectively for a very long time."

The stability of the cluster structures confirm the hypothesis that water is capable of recording and storing information.

"It may be the single most malleable computer which can, it's like a computer memory, it's the memory of information."

It is well known that the water supply in many large cities is a closed loop system. After undergoing aggressive chemical purification and passing through powerful filters, the water in these systems is returned to our homes, still remembering the chemicals and the violence it was subjected to. Even stronger however is the informational pollution that the water accumulates as it flows down miles of long pipes through thousands and

thousands of houses and apartments.

In nature rivers and streams always flow along a smoothly curving course. But any water supply system has multiple right angle turns. The natural structure of the water breaks down more and more with each such turn.

"Water from a water supply system which flows into our homes through pipes has various forms crystals of various forms but they are all deformed that is it may look like this, it can look like this, or have these crystals in many other arrangements but you won't see any symmetry or beauty.

Here the water was frozen in a cryogenic chamber and photographed under the microscope scope. The crystals of the tap water (photo)... the crystals of the structured water (photo)

"The fluid machine is a multiple vortex. It makes the water spin in both directions simultaneously, at multiple times. That aspect of vortexing has a great attribute to fixing water, fixing pollution. water is the machine ,no moving parts, no chemicals, no magnetics, nothing in there to interfere with it. Water works upon itself just like this river behind us. The water is working on itself, cleaning itself. it has geometric forms in it flow form devices basically that cause the water to extremely in a very short period of time structure itself. Structured water is water in nature just like the water behind me running down the river. If you take a gallon or 10 gallons of water and dump it in a mountain stream at the top of the mountain and collect it at the bottom the water is structured. Structured water is free of memory. It has a balanced pH. The main contingent of structured water is life force energy, and that life force energy comes down to the water molecule itself. The water molecule has the power, the individual mandate to protect life and that is to protect it from the things that are that are averse to life, and to generously provide the things that are that are good for life. And the way it does that, the things that are averse to life are pulled to the inside of the water molecule and shield it from life itself. Everything takes less water with it's when it's structured, about 30% less water. In everybody's home are devices that you have to constantly tender, you have to constantly feed.
I'm building and putting out a device that is one time you buy it one time you put it on wherever you want to put it you'll never wear out. It has no moving parts. The water itself is the moving part it is the machine. It is what brings the water to that place of being free to do what it's meant to do, make life absolutely perfect. When you have a structuring water device on your home, it provides everything that you do with structured water. Your ice machine, your gardens, your plants, your animals, your swamp cooler - everything is provided with structured water. It assimilates the things that are bad for Life. Chlorine is bad for Life. Fluoride is bad for Life. The toxins are bad for Life. From this small fluid machine you will consume the water with the toxins inside of it. And if there's still room in the water molecule, it'll start pulling those things that are in your body into it as it's passing through you. It will detoxify your body. The water molecule can't be broken down. All you get from the water is what's on the outside, what is usable to you. structured water only pulls things from the body that are bad for life. It gives freely and fully all all the things that are good for Life. Distilled water R.O. water is hungry water it has no discerning power. It has nothing to discern what is good and what is takes it all. The neat thing about structured water is it's balanced, it's absolutely balanced. And it's the balance of nature that brings us to that place of doing what we're meant to do... of being what we're meant to be of being in Joy! When we all come together and we all think you know we all are in Joy, basically we are doing what we're meant to do, then it will be just like this River, it'll be in the flow. we'll be in the flow.

Deepwater Farms - Conversation with President Water regarding Vortexing in a Hydropnics EnArtist Name
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